12 Gates Publishing gives you exciting new fiction to capture your imagination.
Our first fiction series is the Hamelin Stoop books by author Robert B. Sloan. He has created a series for adventurers of all ages. Step into the world of Hamelin Stoop and discover what Hamelin is searching for after he is left in a tomato crate at an orphanage in West Texas.
The HAmelin Stoop Series
Robert B. Sloan is widely known for his leadership in higher education, public speaking, and nonfiction writings. What we realized from his debut novel, Hamelin Stoop: The Eagle, the Cave, and the Footbridge, is that he also has remarkable abilities and stirring creativity in the imaginative world of young adult fiction. Sloan’s passion for a great story is felt by his readers and proven in his words: “Stories are powerful. They shape us and influence us in ways that abstract philosophies and ideologies cannot.” Hamelin Stoop’s story will capture minds, inspire hearts, and leave its readers eagerly awaiting the next volume.